Welcome to Orchard Brooke, an 80-bed assisted living center located in Orchard Park, New York. Here you’ll find compassion woven into every fiber of your day. From the friendly caregivers to the exciting activities and the homelike environment, we’re confident you’ll find our facility a fulfilling place to live.
At Orchard Brooke, you’ll discover new friends and pastimes that will keep you energized and active. Our amenities and services are designed with you in mind and are focused on your comfort, convenience and safety. In fact, we’re certain you’ll find that our attentive employees and your fellow residents will quickly become like family to you!
We’re proud to be affiliated with professionals from our sister portfolios – The McGuire Group, Taconic Health Care and VestraCare. Our dedicated and committed staff prides itself on promoting your independence while providing you with the best possible care, based on your individual needs.
We encourage you to reach out to our Admissions Department for additional information or to make an appointment for a personal tour. Thank you for your interest in Orchard Brooke Assisted Living Center.
Located 20 minutes south of Buffalo, NY via the 219 Expressway and Rte. 20A.